Sunday, March 27, 2011

Objective. Purpose. What on Earth am I Doing Here.

For the past 20 years or so I have run a wildly successful small business as a photographer and artist. Prior to that I worked at a Wall Street firm, The Dreyfus Corporation. I got that position as a result of getting my MBA at a top ten business school (at least it was then), Duke. And way in the past I ran my own business as a financial planner. I'll post my artistic bio and CV under the "About Me" tab.

It does not take much searching to find that Social Media Marketing is not just the hot new way to bring your goods to market, but the origin of a fundamental shift in the way marketing and even business will be done going forward. Some have even called Social Media Marketing the biggest shift in business since the industrial revolution. Ponder just this: Facebook alone now has over 500 million subscribers. 500 million!! Were Facebook a country it would be the 4th largest nation in the world.

I am now offering consulting services in the areas of Branding and Social Media Marketing.  I have the educational background, small business experience and entrepreneurial spirit to get the job done. I figure I can share my knowledge with the so many people out there who are looking to remake themselves as a result of the poor economy.  Too I can help existing enterprises increase existing client engagement and with the development of new clients.

I am happy to help clients from all the worlds in which I have been involved, from small business owners to artists and musicians to professionals and corporations.

So sit back, relax and lets get this show started.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011



Social Media A Cappella Conference

April 1-3, 2011
Syracuse University
SMACC is a three-day conference that fuses cutting edge media and contemporary vocal music.
It hosts speakers from around the country who are building the foundations of a more connected world through their web based entrepreneurial endeavors. As society adapts to the digital revolution, it becomes ever more crucial for organizations and individuals to take advantage of emerging forms of communication. SMACC offers an opportunity to learn straight from the creators, how to best utilize these tools.
SMACC offers workshops led by individuals who are revolutionizing the constantly evolving, forward-moving genre of A Cappella. These pioneers are challenging the barriers of studio recording as well as live performance. They are pushing the boundaries of the human voice. Collegiate and professional performances enhance the conference by showcasing recent progress in the industry.
SMACC is a unique event that inspires students of all ages, professionals in all industries, and a population in which these two fields of social media and A Cappella are becoming ever more present.  

Check this out, a conference that combines art/music and social media marketing. This is a conference that does what I need to do, goes where I need to go. It is next weekend and you bet I will be there.